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What first made its mark on Broadway ten years ago in November 2012, has now become a traditional holiday play for theater goers to attend – when it comes to town. Based on the mega-popular film, A Christmas Story: The Musical is regularly being mounted by theater companies come November for families to enjoy. Already well-equipped with the humor, timeless plotline and loveable characters from A Christmas Story, the musical adds to that by bringing in a massive selection of numbers written by Pasek and Paul (book by Joseph Robinette) that make this a big stage event that is sure to get everyone in the holiday spirit. And while so many films or TV shows don’t really translate to the live stage, A Christmas Story: The Musical does.

Based in Small Town, Indiana, the story revolves around a family in 1940, Ralphie Parker specifically, wonderfully played in this production by Kevan Newman (also played by Keegan Gulledge in alternating performances). Christmas is around the corner and all Ralphie wants is the Red Ryder Carbine Action BB Gun. But whenever he brings up the BB gun to anyone, he is promptly shut down and told “You’ll shoot your eye out,” repeatedly his hopes are dashed, but Ralphie can still dream. Ralphie gets a brainstorm when his teacher, Ms. Shields (fantastically played by Jenna Coker-Jones) hands out an assignment for her class to write an essay on what they would like for Christmas. Simple, Ralphie will write about the Red Ryder Carbine Action BB Gun, and everyone will be so impressed his parents will have no choice but to gen him the gun. Well, not so simple as a series of hilarious sequences take place and Ralphie’s Christmas plans are not looking so certain.

At the same time, Ralphie’s father cast as The Old Man and brilliantly played by Lorenzo Rush, Jr., has finally won a prize for his relentless efforts at a crossword contest (thanks mainly to the help of his wife deftly played by Sara Reinecke). The prize might not be close to the generous cash awarded for the top spots, but it’s a prize – and it’s his prize, and he couldn’t be prouder of his tacky lamp of which its base is that of a show girl’s leg. He places it so it is displayed in the home’s from window and he is the envy of his neighbors.  

That lamp is just one more reason for holiday cheer in the Parker household.

The dynamics of Ralphie and his family 1940’s living is just so enjoyable to watch and the surrounding characters in this funny musical have so much to offer. Seasoned actor, Kevin McKillip, narrates the story as a grown up Ralphie looking back and reminds us why he considered one of the finest stage performers in the Chicago area. His timing is impeccable. And going back to Coker-Jones, she is most certainly another one of the show’s standouts, while Lorenzo Rush, Jr. is a thrill to watch in just about every scene he is graces us with – and, wow, his singing voice!

Performed in the round at Marriott theatre, A Christmas Story: The Musical is a holiday hit that has it all. From its nonstop laugh out loud scenes to its big, colorful song and dance numbers to its warm and moving story at its core that centers around family, this is a sure-fire treat to add to this Christmas season’s to do list.

A Christmas Story: The Musical is being performed at Marriott Theatre through January 1st. For tickets and/or more show information click here.

Published in Theatre in Review

Drury Lane brings Alice Walker’ 1982 novel ‘The Color Purple’, which found major success as a film in 1985, to the stage in what is sure to be a memorable experience for theatre goers. After its opening night performance, many who had seen either the Broadway run or national touring version of the classic story, emphatically stated that Drury Lane’s production is the best they have ever seen. That’s saying something.

The story takes place in the early 1900’s and continues through about halfway through the century. Following the journey of Celie, an African American woman in the American South, we get a story of heartbreak, unspeakable atrocities and more importantly that of hope and perseverance. Still a child, Celie has two children by the age of fourteen – both by her father, Alphonso. Not long after her second child is born; her father tells Celie he is going to get rid of the child just like he did with the first. Celie’s only comfort is in spending time with her slightly older sister Nettie and the two vow to never leave each other’s side. 

But four years later, a local farmer, Albert “Mister” Johnson asks Alphonso to have Nettie’s hand in marriage. Alphonso refuses, but offers up Celie instead, who is constantly referred to as “ugly”. Mister doesn’t bite but finally accepts when Alphonso throws in a cow. Mister, who had helped Nettie pursue her dream of becoming a teacher, also takes Nettie in shortly after she pleaded to stay with him and her sister alleging Alphonso is mistreating her. Mister accommodates Nettie, but always having eyes for her, attacks her one day and when she fights back is sent away along with the promise the two sisters will never see each other again. Once again, Celie finds herself in what turns out to be abusive relationship with a much older man.

It seems hopeless for Celie until a racy lounge singer comes into their lives – Shug Avery.

From there the story takes on many directions and we wonder if Celie will ever see her sister again or be released from the clutches of Mister.

With an already powerful book by Marsha Norman and music and lyrics by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray, the direction by Lili-Anne Brown and gifted cast assembled puts this production over the top. Eben K. Logan is stupendous as Celie in every way as we are hopelessly drawn into her character one moment and marveling at her vocal ability the next. Logan is a true find and leads this amazing cast that also features Sydney Charles who brightly shines as Shug Avery, Nicole Michelle Haskins whose moving portrayal of Sofia truly resonates and Melvin Abston who is nothing short of commanding as Mister. The cast rounds out with an incredibly skilled ensemble that features Drury veterans Adhana Reid and Lorenzo Rush Jr. along with Camille Robinson, Jos N. Banks and a host of other talents. Kyrie Courter is just wonderful as Nettie while Gilbert Domally’s Harpo couldn’t be better. 

Besides a powerful story that is sure to move its audience members, it contains one enjoyable musical number after another from its title song “The Color Purple” to touching numbers like “What About Love” and “Somebody Gonna Love you”.
Drury Lane’s ‘The Color Purple’ is engaging from beginning to end as it retells a classic story of strong will and courage.

Highly recommended.

‘The Color Purple’ is being performed at Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook through November 3rd. For tickets and/or more information, visit  

Published in Theatre in Review

Marriott Theatre brings yet another high-energy, song and dance production to its audience, this time mounting the regional premiere of ‘Holiday Inn’, a sentimental musical based on the 1942 film of the same name featuring the music of Irving Berlin and starring such great as Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds. Directed and choreographed by Tony Award nominee Denis Jones and musically directed by Jeff Award winning Ryan T. Nelson, ‘Holiday Inn’ might just be one of Marriott’s greatest triumphs over the past few years.

“I am completely elated to revisit my work from the Broadway production of ‘Holiday Inn’ at the Marriott Theatre,” says Jones. It’s an honor to celebrate some of the greatest works of Irving Berlin and join forces with some of the most talented actors in theatre. With mesmerizing costumes and equally enthralling performances, audiences will leave with a few holiday surprises and a whole lot of holiday spirit.”

And though classics such as “White Christmas”, “Easter Parade”, “Blue Skies”, “Heat Wave”, “Be Careful, It’s my Heart” and “Shaking the Blues Away” are performed to perfection, it is the dance numbers in this production that truly steal the audience’s breath.

Jim Hardy (Michael Mahler) and Ted Hanvover (Will Burton) are best friends. The two entertainers have found a tremendous amount of success in New York as a song and dance trio that also stars Lila Dixon (Kimberly Immanuel). Lila and Jim are also quite the item and Jim wants nothing more to marry her. But the New York scene has run its course with Jim, so he also wants to hang up his tap shoes and take to the country. He proposes to his Lila, who accepts, and then shows her the deed to a farmhouse in Connecticut that he has just purchased in the hopes she would also want to give up show biz for a quiet life in the country. So, maybe he should have discussed such a major decision with Lila prior to making such a large purchase. When the three are offered a six-month touring engagement, Lila breaks Jim’s heart and hits the road with Ted. So it’s off to the country, alone, for Jim.

Dejected, Jim soon arrives at his newly purchased farmhouse ranch only to find Louise (Marya Grandy), a self-proclaimed “fixit man”, kind of comes with the house. In exchange for room and board, Louise will tend to the farmhouse but her title of “fixit man” extends much beyond the home itself. It isn’t long before the daughter of the previous owners, Linda Mason (Johanna McKenzie Miller), stops by to pick up some of the things that were left behind when the farmhouse was foreclosed upon. It isn’t long before a friendship develops and perhaps a spark ignites between them. It also isn’t long before Jim realizes farming might not be for him and longs for the stage again. And, as it turns out, Linda just so happens to have some performing experience of her own. But why go back to New York when you can bring New York to you? Just after Jim gets a surprise visit from a large group of performing friends, he comes up with the idea of turning the farmhouse into an entertainment getaway. After all, he’s got the floor space and plenty of rooms for guests. When his performer friends cannot commit to regular shows because of their own hectic schedules, it is decided shows will only be staged over the holidays – thus, ‘Holiday Inn’.

As chemistry builds between Jim and Linda, a drunken Ted reappears during opening night who briefly dances with Linda and soon has his sights on her as his new dance partner since Lila has left him for a Texas millionaire. Jim quickly finds himself in a similar situation, so we can only hope things will turn out differently for the all-around nice guy who may have found love once again.

‘Holiday Inn’ is filled with big, spirited dance numbers that are pure visual delights and the highlights are many. Will Burton’s recreation of Astaire’s “Let’s Say it with Firecrackers” is certainly one of them as he brilliantly taps his way around the stage with a bang – several bangs in fact. Johanna McKenzie Miller also leaves a strong impression, beautifully showcasing her amazing voice in such songs as “Nothing More to Say” and “White Christmas”. And throughout the talented dancing and singing offered in this production, Marya Grandy balances out the show with her incredibly funny performance as Louise, adding plenty of laugh out loud moments. A world-class ensemble that includes the familiar faces of Joe Capstick, Adam LaSalle, Laura Savage and Alejandro Fonseca pushes this musical into overdrive, while Lorenzo Rush Jr. as agent Danny Reed is a pleasure to watch in every scene he graces and child actor Patrick Scott McDermott also adds several moments of well-delivered humor.

Marriott Theatre presents a gem of a holiday treat that can be enjoyed by everyone. ‘Holiday Inn’ runs through January 6th and is highly recommended. For tickets and/or more show information visit


Published in Theatre in Review

Catchy songs, hilarious characters and a man-eating plant. Little Shop of Horrors now playing at Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook has it all. With music by Alan Menken that fall in the style of 1960s rock and roll, doo-wop and Motown, we get a soundtrack that helps deliver this humorous story, perfectly enhancing writer Howard Ahsman’s vision into what became a stage and film sensation in the 1980s. Songs like "Skid Row (Downtown)", "Somewhere That's Green", and "Suddenly, Seymour" are as kitschy as they come as are the characters in this far-fetched, but seriously funny story.

We find ourselves in a local plant and flower shop – “Mushnik’s”. Business is bad and owner Mr. Mushnik is not sure how he can hold on for very much longer. His two employees, Seymour and Audrey, stand around all day with nothing to do since there is – nothing to do. But Seymour has a secret. He has been experimenting in the shop’s basement on a plant that resembles a Venus Fly Trap. But it is no ordinary fly-eating plant, it is much larger and quite unusual looking. He finally brings the plant upstairs and suggests it be placed in the store window to possibly attract passersby’s. Mushnik scoffs at the notion but figures he has nothing to lose – and wouldn’t you know it, a man enters the store within minutes to purchase a hundred dollars’ worth of roses. The plant becomes a sensation as it gets larger and larger by the day, business is off the charts and everything seems rosy for the once struggling shop. But what makes the plant grow so quickly? We soon find out and a whole world of absurdity and suspense is opened. Twists and turns ahead, folks.

At the same time, Audrey seems to show up to work each day with a new injury. It is suspected that her boyfriend, a sadistic dentist, is to blame – and Seymour won’t have that. He has a crush on Audrey and has in fact named the plant Audrey Two. As the story progresses, it becomes crazier and crazier – silly but engaging. A trio of talented singers (Melanie Brezill, Candace C. Edwards and Melanie Loren) help narrate the story, also switching back and forth between roles.

Will Lidke is terrific as Seymour and is as nerdy as one could get in the role while Kelly Felthous as Audrey nails the squeaky-voiced, ditzy blonde stereotype, ala many a Marylin Monroe role. Both deliver great comedic moments and are truly fun to watch. Ron E. Rains is well cast as Mushnik and has plenty of key moments, as well. But it is Chicago acting veteran Steven Stafford who steals many of the scenes as the abusive dentist (also playing many other roles), displaying epic comedic line delivery and perfectly timed physical humor. The voice of the plant (yes, it talks – and sings) is beautifully done by Lorenzo Rush Jr. while Matthew Sitz takes on the tough task of bringing the plant to life.

A light, though twisted, story with a slew of laughs and one likeable song after another is the prefect way to kick off the Fall season. Together with brilliant direction and choreography by Scott Calcagno and musical direction by Roberta Duchak, the musical’s superb performances and an amazing set design do this funny classic the way it should be done.

Highly recommended.

Little Shop of Horrors is being performed at Drury Lane Theatre through October 28th. For tickets and/or more show information visit


Published in Theatre in Review

The live sounds of 30’s and 40’s jazz transform Court Theatre into a music venue in this production of Five Guys Named Moe. Written by Clarke Peters and directed by Resident Artist Ron OJ Parson, with Music Director Abdul Hamid Royal and Associate Director Felica P. Fields, this lively musical is a tribute to the great songwriter and saxophonist Louis Jordan (1908-1975), who went down in history as an innovator and popularizer of “jump blues,” a dance forward mix of jazz, blues and boogie-woogie, that paved the way for rock’n’roll in the 1950’s.

The uncomplicated plot provides the perfect canvas for Louis Jordan’s greatest hits and goes something like this: Nomax (Stephen ‘Blu’ Allen) is a clueless but perfectly lovable young lad who is broke and heartbroken because his girlfriend left him. Drinking at home one night and listening to Louis Jordan’s hits on the radio, depressed Nomax is whining about his life, when out of the blue (no pun intended) his radio erupts with five guys, who climb out one by one, introduce themselves as Big Moe (Lorenzo Rush Jr), Eat Moe (James Earl Jones II) , No Moe (Eric A. Lewis), Four-Eyed Moe (Kelvin Roston Jr), and Little Moe (Darrian Ford), and get the party started with ‘Five Guys Named Moe.’ Because five heads are better than one, The Five Moes are very helpful in trying to solve Nomax’s lady problem; the dynamic and superbly fun hits “I Like ‘Em Fat Like That” and “Messy Bessy” are prove of that. Not to mention “I know What I’ve Got” and “Safe, Sane and Single,” which were outstanding. Louis Jordan’s use of comedy in his songwriting had become one of the most prominent elements in his music, for he “laughed to keep from crying”. Besides, having been married five times, he most certainly contemplated the relations between the opposite sexes in his own life.

There was some great talent on that cleverly designed stage made to look like inside of an old radio (scenic design by Courtney O’Neill). Powerful voices, the most remarkable of them Darrian Ford’s [whose new original vocal jazz album, The New Standard, is set to release later this year], impressive dancing with occasional somersaults thrown in for a good measure (by James Earl Jones II), Lorenzo Rush, Jr’s commanding presence and hilarious relic, always on.

The band is no slouch either: led by the pianist/Music Director, winner of the NAACP Image Award for Broadway’s Five Guys Named Moe composer/arranger Abdul Hamid Royal, who had worked with many recording artists, such as Liza Minelli, Stevie Wonder, Natalie Cole, and Christina Aguilera, to name just a few; it produces a tight sound.

By the end of the First Act, the audience is playfully forced to sing the silly lyrics to “Push Ka Pi Shi Pie,” and some fortunate first row attendees are dragged onto stage to dance with the cast and then led to the lobby bar. Hey, “What’s the Use Of Getting Sober?”, right?

Second Act takes us to The Funky Butt Club, where the Five Moes have a gig to do. The sounds of old jazz are like an anti-anxiety remedy, taking us to a different time far, far in the past, it seems. What great 63rd Season opener for Court Theatre! “Five Guys Named Moe” is being performed at Court Theatre through October 8th. For more show information visit

*Now extended through October 15th

Published in Upcoming Theatre

Of the many Andrew Lloyd Webber hits, Jesus Christ Superstar has always been a personal favorite of mine. It rocks, it moves and…it’s back. After a lengthy absence, the award-winning musical has returned to the Chicago area, this time with a bit of a twist as, unlike past productions, the show features an all African American cast. This, opposed to the nearly all white cast complete with a black Judas that we are accustomed to seeing. And, the tremendously gifted cast works so very well in this revival piece. The change is bold and should be commended. And the execution is nearly flawless. 

With one of the greatest rock operas of all time currently finding its temporary home at Aurora’s Paramount Theatre, we know by the end of the production’s first number, “Heaven on Their Minds”, that Mykal Kilgore, who takes on the demanding role of “Judas”, is a special talent. We also get an idea within the next few numbers (“What’s the Buzz?”, “Strange Thing, Mystifying” and “Everything’s Alright”) how deep the talent pool goes in this one-of-a-kind production.  

Reliving the last days of Jesus Christ leading up to the crucifixion, the timeless musical, which premiered on Broadway on October 12th, 1971, is set to the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber with lyrics by Tim Rice, in what began as a rock opera concept album by the two in 1970. Since, it has been one of the most successful musicals of all time gathering a loyal fan-base from all over the world. In Jesus Christ Superstar, we visit Jesus, accompanied by his disciples and Mary Magdalene, as he performs miracles and brings hope to the world while claiming he is the son of God, much to the chagrin of the Pharisees and scribes who see him as a threat to their teachings – a threat they would like removed so much they ask the Romans for help.

In Paramount’s current production of Jesus Christ Superstar, a fifteen-piece orchestra paves the way for the talented performers who leave their mark in one number after another. Kilgore goes on to navigate through each song with skilled precision and sings with amazing depth. And while Kilgore impresses more and more as the show progresses by staying true (and then some) to the “Judas” that both Murray Head and Carl Anderson made famous, Felicia Boswell is also quick to excite the audience with her moving interpretation of Mary Magdalene, particularly in the popular “I Don’t Know How to Love Him”. Beautiful, graceful and vocally dynamic, Boswell brings a gentle warmth to the role, wonderfully capturing the love that Mary had for Jesus. Throughout the production, remarkable performances are abundant with Rufus Bonds Jr. taking the reins in a very commanding depiction of Pontius Pilate, so well delivering the message of his conflict to have Jesus crucified at the request of the mob that is influenced by the religious law makers or to set him free since no Roman law has been broken. Lorenzo Rush Jr. also leaves a strong presence as the baritone-wielding Caiaphas who leads the charge against Jesus, fearing that he will revolutionize Jewish law. 

Jesus of Nazareth is commendably played Evan Tyrone Martin. Martin aptly captures the virtue and charisma needed for the role of and is convincing while conveying just how tiring it can be to be the son of God. Martin’s voice is strong and he has little trouble carrying the many challenging melodies that come with playing Jesus, though the patented screams that both Ted Neeley (film version) and Ian Gillan (concept album) had incorporated into the role were absent, leaving a couple prime crescendo moments to the wayside. Still, Martin holds his own, even getting a much-deserved extended applause after his riveting performance of “Gethsemane”, a powerful number where Jesus questions why it is that he must die. 

The show’s ensemble is nothing short of amazing, the actors changing back and forth from disciples, to Pharisees to lepers to soldiers ever so efficiently. At one point, Mark J.P. Hood breaks rank from the ensemble as Simon and superbly performs one of the show’s highlight numbers “Simon Zealotes”, where he praises Jesus and urges him to build an army to fight the powers of Rome. Another crowd-pleasing moment (among the countless others) occurs when Jesus is brought forth to Herod (Avionce Hoyles) in a glittery display that dazzles in the somewhat jazzy “Herod’s Song”. Kudos to Hoyles who thrusts the role of Herod into another stratosphere.     

Paramount’s Jesus Christ Superstar is a fascinating production that entertains nonstop from its opening overture to its near-finale number “Superstar”. Featuring a wealth of acting and singing talent and a rockin’ orchestra that does the soundtrack right, this could possibly be one of the most polished, expressive and enjoyable musicals to come our way in some time.  

Superb. This beautiful production is super recommended.

Magnificently directed and choreographed by Ron Kellum with music direction by Tom Vendafreddo, Jesus Christ Superstar is being performed at Paramount Theatre through May 28th. For tickets and/or more show information click here.       


Published in Theatre in Review

What began as a 1970’s rock opera concept album became a global stage phenomenon that captured seven Tony Award nominations and countless awards overseas in its 40-plus years.


Jesus Christ Superstar, the beloved rock opera that explores the story and internal struggles of the last seven days of the greatest idol in history - Jesus - is the 2016-17 Broadway Series finale, April 19-May 28, 2017 at the Paramount Theatre, 23 E. Galena Blvd. in downtown Aurora.


While thousands of productions have taken the stage in 31 countries, Paramount's is surely the production the theater community in Chicago and around the country will be talking about.


We already know Jesus Christ Superstar features music by the most successful composer of our generation, Andrew Lloyd Webber, with indelible lyrics by Tim Rice. Hits include "Everything's Alright," "Heaven on Their Minds," "Hosanna," "I Don't Know How to Love Him" and "Superstar."


With nationally recognized director and producer Ron Kellum making his Paramount debut with Jesus Christ Superstar, Chicago will be introduced to a director and choreographer whose experience ranges from being an artistic director of Cirque du Soleil's KOOZA to staging major sports spectacles such as last month's 2017 NFL Pro Bowl halftime show.


Paramount veterans Tom Vendafreddo and Kory Danielson will collaborate as co-music directors in leading the cast and a 14-piece live rock band.


The A-list production design team includes Kevin Depinet, set design; Theresa Ham, costume design; Greg Hofmann, lighting design; Mike Tutaj, projection design; and Adam Rosenthal, sound design.


So what's the buzz? Tell me what's a-happenin'?


Paramount's Jesus Christ Superstar will feature an all-black cast led by Broadway and regional musical theater veteran Destan Owens as Jesus of Nazareth. Owens's Broadway credits include Tom Collins in Rent, Billy Flynn in Chicago, Adrian in Smokey Joe's Café and Hawker in The Who's Tommy 15th Anniversary Concert.


Paramount Theatre's Jesus Christ Superstar will be directed by (from left) Ron Kellum. The cast includes Destan Owens (Jesus), Mykal Kilgore (Judas Iscariot), Felicia Boswell (Mary Magdalene), Rufus Bonds, Jr. (Pontius Pilate), Avionce Hoyles (King Herod/Annas) and Lorenzo Rush Jr. (Caiaphas).

The ensemble features (pictured above, top, from left) Stephen "Blu" Allen, Jos N. Banks, Ciera Dawn, Gilbert Domally, Candace C. Edwards, Jared D.M. Grant, Keirsten Hodgens, (row 2) Mark J.P. Hood, Reneisha Jenkins, Micheal Lovette, Evan Tyrone Martin, Gabriel Mudd, Brian Nelson Jr., Renellè Nicole, (row 3) Jaymes Osborne, Kafi Pierre, Jon Pierce, Travis Porchia, Camille Robinson, Alexis J. Roston and Jessica Brooke Seals.


"This is an incredible opportunity to unite the retelling of one of the greatest stories with an iconic piece of musical theater through the voices and lens of my community," said Jesus Christ Superstar director Ron Kellum. "'Why an all-black Superstar?' 'Why not.' Our responsibility as storytellers is to find ways to represent truth in ways that translate to every audience no matter of color, creed, orientation or status. This will be a soul stirring experience!"


"Wait until you hear the voices singing in the grand finale of this season, presented for you in a powerful new production directed and choreographed by Ron Kellum!" said Paramount Artistic Director Jim Corti. "I dare to say it speaks to the state of the art as intriguingly as it does to the state of the union! It is a contemporary thrill ride of a production with a cast as beautiful as the vision of its director!"



Jesus Christ Superstar: Dates, times and ticket information


Previews start April 19. Press opening is Saturday, April 22 at 8 p.m. Performances run through May 28: Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.; Thursday at 7 p.m.; Friday at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.; and Sunday at 1 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Single tickets are $44 to $59. The Paramount Theatre, 23 E. Galena Blvd. in downtown Aurora, is surrounded by affordable parking and new restaurants for pre- or post-show dining.


For tickets, visit, call (630) 896-6666, or stop by the Paramount box office Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and two hours prior to evening performances.


Jesus Christ Superstar is rated PG.



About Jesus Christ Superstar


A rock star stands center stage, awash in lights while tens-of-thousands of adoring fans repeat every word he sings. An endless sea of bodies stands for hours shivering in the freezing temps just to say they were there when the new leader of the free world was sworn in. We love and celebrate our idols; we always have...that is, until we move on to our next idol.


Jesus Christ Superstar is not just the story of the last seven days of the greatest idol in history. It's the story of the close friend who tried to save him and why that friend eventually betrayed him. It's a story of love and fear, of kindness and greed, of expectations and what happens when those expectations are not met. 


This is an energized rock opera that delves into the internal struggles of those mortals, those humans - including Jesus himself - as they drew closer to one of the most pivotal moments in history. It's an emotionally-charged journey in which, in the end, each person discovers something about themselves when the stakes are at their highest.


Andrew Lloyd Webber is the most successful composer of musicals of his generation and also a breaker of molds for the type. His first collaboration with lyricist Tim Rice was Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, a musical based on the Biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. The two soon hit on the idea of writing a musical based on the life of Jesus Christ from the point of view of Judas, and, like Joseph, imbued with a strong rock and roll influence. Unable to finance a stage version, Lloyd Webber and Rice did manage to record their show, and in 1970, the album Jesus Christ Superstar went on to sell millions all over the world. The musical version debuted on Broadway in 1971, earning 5 Tony nominations and a Drama Desk Award for Sondheim for "Most Promising Composer." The 1973 film version remains a 1970's rock opera cult classic.


Behind the scenes: Paramount's Jesus Christ Superstar


Ron Kellum (director) is a seasoned director and producer with experience ranging from sports entertainment to theater, film and television. He serves as a senior producer for e2k, co-director for the NFL Pro Bowl in Hawaii and co-producer for the NFL Pro Bowl United Way Thanksgiving Halftime Show. Kellum produced the Cannondale Pro Cycling Team Launch at Paramount Studios as well as several high-profile press and VIP events for Monster CES in Las Vegas. His directing and choreography credits included Iron Man 2 starring Robert Downey Jr. as well as the musicals Chicago, The Color Purple, A Chorus Line, Dreamgirls, Rent, Once on This Island, 5 Guys Named Moe, Ain't Misbehavin' and Smokey Joe's Café. He appeared on Broadway in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Chicago, and he toured nationally in Aida, Dreamgirls, Fosse and Chicago. Learn more at


Tom Vendafreddo (co-music director and conductor) is helming his 12th consecutive musical at Paramount, preceded by In the Heights, Mary Poppins, The Who's Tommy, Les Misérables (Jeff Nomination, Music Direction), Oklahoma! (Jeff Nomination, Music Direction), A Christmas Story - The Musical (Jeff Nomination, Music Direction), Hairspray - The Broadway Musical, West Side Story (Jeff Nomination, Music Direction), Mamma Mia!, Disney's The Little Mermaid and Sweeney Todd-The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Other credits include Company and Sweet Charity (Writers Theatre); On the Town and Godspell (Marriott Lincolnshire); Road Show and Shrek: The Musical (Chicago Shakespeare Theater); The Spitfire Grill (BoHo Theatre - Jeff Nomination for Music Direction); and Pump Boys and Dinettes (Metropolis Performing Arts Centre). Regional credits include Rent (San Diego Musical Theatre), Odyssey (Old Globe Theatre), Forever Plaid (Chestnut Fine Arts) and It's a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play (Cygnet Theatre). As a cabaret artist, he has performed in Chicago, New York, San Diego and Melbourne. In 2014, he became the Founding Artistic Director of the Chicago Artists Chorale, a choral ensemble of working professionals in the Chicago theatre community. He received a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance and Music Education from Eastman School of Music and a Master of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from San Diego State University.


Kory Danielson (co-music director and conductor) is coming back for his 10th consecutive musical at the Paramount, following Sweeney Todd-The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Disney's The Little Mermaid, Mamma Mia!, West Side Story, Hairspray - The Broadway Musical, A Christmas Story - The Musical, Oklahoma!, Les Misérables and The Who's Tommy. Other Chicago credits includeAssassins, The Full Monty, Loving Repeating, Heathers, Tomorrow Morning (Kokandy Productions); Passion (2014 Jeff Award for Outstanding Music Direction), Smokey Joe's Cafe (Theo Ubique); How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (Porchlight Music Theatre); Hedwig, Wedding Singer (Haven Theatre); and Zanna, Don't!, Lucky Stiff, Triumph of Love (The Music Theatre Company). Danielson has also worked with Drury Lane, Broadway in Chicago, Chicago Children's Theatre, Bailiwick and Hell in a Handbag.


Paramount's Jesus Christ Superstar production team also includes Trent Stork, associate director; Kafi Pierre, associate choreographer; Ethan Deppe, electronic music designer; Katie Cordts, wig, hair and makeup designer; Amanda Relaford, properties designer; R&D Choreography, Vic Bayona and Rick Gilbert, violence designers; Roger Ellis, dramaturg; Hannah Wichmann, stage manager; and Nora Mally, assistant stage manager. 


Jesus Christ Superstar is sponsored by the Daily Herald. Paramount's 2016-17 Broadway Series is sponsored by BMO Harris Bank and The Dunham Fund. Broadway Series Orchestra Sponsor is Rush-Copley Medical Center. Broadway Series Lighting Sponsor is ComEd. Broadway Series Costume Sponsor is Gerald Kia. Jesus Christ Superstar is also sponsored by the Daily Herald.


More about Paramount's 2016-17 Season


In addition to Paramount's 2016-17 Broadway Series finale, Jesus Christ Superstar, Paramount's season also includes Home Free (Mar. 24), Madeleine Peyroux and Rickie Lee Jones (Mar. 25), Golden Dragon Acrobats (Mar. 26),

Riverdance: 20 Years(Mar. 31-Apr. 2, five shows), Piano Men: A Tribute to Elton John and Billy Joel (Jun. 10, two shows) and Barbra and Frank: The Concert That Never Was... (Jun. 11). Back in 2016-17 is the Classic Movie Monday series, presenting everyone's favorite flicks on a two-story screen for just $1. Paramount also serves the community with low-cost children's shows designed to entertain while they educate: Miss Nelson is Missing (Mar. 22) and Laura Ingalls Wilder(Mar. 23). 


For subscriptions, single tickets or more information, go to, call (630) 896-6666, or stop by the Paramount Theatre, 23 E. Galena Blvd. in Aurora.



About the Paramount Theatre 


The Paramount Theatre ( is the center for performing arts, entertainment and arts education in Aurora, the second largest city in Illinois. Named "One of Chicago's Top 10 Attended Theatres" by the League of Chicago Theatres, the 1,888-seat Paramount, located in downtown Aurora at 23 E. Galena Blvd., is nationally recognized for the quality and caliber of its presentations, superb acoustics and historic beauty.   


The Paramount opened on September 3, 1931. Designed by renowned theater architects C.W. and George L. Rapp, the theater captures a unique Venetian setting portrayed in the art deco influence of the 1930s. The first air-conditioned building outside of Chicago, the Paramount offered the public a variety of entertainment, including "talking pictures," vaudeville, concerts and circus performances for more than 40 years. 


In 1976, Aurora Civic Center Authority purchased the Paramount and closed the theater for restoration. The $1.5 million project restored the Paramount to its original grandeur. On April 29, 1978, the Paramount Arts Center opened, offering a variety of theatrical, musical, comedy, dance and family programming. In 2006, a 12,000-square-foot, two-story Grand Gallery lobby was added, with a new, state-of-the-art box office, café and art gallery.


Today, the Paramount self-produces its own Broadway Musical Series, presents an eclectic array of comedy, music, dance and family shows, and on most Mondays, screens a classic movie.


The Paramount Theatre is one of three live performance venues programmed and managed by the Aurora Civic Center Authority (ACCA). ACCA also oversees the Paramount's "sister" stage, the intimate, 173-seat Copley Theatre located directly across the street from the Paramount at 8 E. Galena Blvd., as well as RiverEdge Park, downtown Aurora's summer outdoor concert venue.


The Paramount Theatre continues to expand its artistic and institutional boundaries under the guidance of Tim Rater, President and CEO, Aurora Civic Center Authority; Jim Corti, Artistic Director, Paramount Theatre; a dedicated Board of Trustees and a devoted staff of live theater and music professionals. 


For tickets and information, go to or call (630) 896-6666.


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