Theatre in Review

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Friday, 18 May 2018 18:51

Review: "Buried Child" at Writers Theatre

a“There’s no honor in self destruction.” An interesting line to ponder when thinking about what Sam Shepard’s Pulitzer Prize winner ‘Buried Child’ says about our current times. Sadly we lost Sam Shepard recently. Writers Theatre’s production of ‘Buried Child’ serves as a fitting homage. Director Kimberly Senior assembles a dream cast for her well-conceived revival.

Senior is a meticulous director. The attention to minor details of staging makes for an immersive experience. ‘Buried Child’ is a complicated play, reading it can be challenging. Senior’s version is clear. Her grasp of the script and the meaning of Sam Shepard’s words shines through. While it adds a little to the runtime of the show, two intermissions is a wise choice.

This production changes the focus somewhat. Shepard was known for male-driven plays and some critics argue his female characters are underdeveloped. Senior mines the script for a new interpretation; that ultimately the women are the ones who keep the play moving. Shannon Cochran plays Hallie, the matriarch. Her performance is riveting, she stalks the stage doling out anger and jokes. Also playing against type is Arti Ishak as Shelly. This character is ordinarily somewhat meek but here she’s a dominant figure that forces this family to its reckoning.

The male roles are notably cast. Mark L. Montgomery is nearly unrecognizable as Tilden. His portrayal of an emotionally stunted man-child is haunting. Timothy Edward Kane delivers a sort of ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ vibe as the younger son Bradley. His wandering eye contact has an unsettling effect. Larry Yando becomes Dodge. Yando’s an old pro at playing a grumpy old man but the physicality of sickness and depression are palpable.

Shepard wrote this play in the 70s as an observation on the misery of rural American life. Once idyllic places got decimated by closed factories and failing farms. Unfortunately not much has changed for the better in these places, and for that this production seems timely as ever. Kimberly Senior’s production would make Sam Shepard proud. The atmospheric staging and guttural dialogue combined with powerhouse performances will surely leave a lasting impression. A thrilling version for our modern times.

Through June 17 at Writers Theatre. 325 Tudor Court, Glencoe IL. 847-242-6000

Published in Theatre in Review

It seems strange to me that after all my years of writing theater reviews I have never seen "Forever Plaid". I am now one of the lucky ones to have seen this marvelous production of the hit show written by Stuart Ross at Theater at The Center with this "over the top" talented cast.

"Forever Plaid" is a tribute to the early American boy bands, the quartets like The Four Freshman, The Four Seasons and The Four Aces.  During that period audiences were wowed by the smooth moves and exquisite harmonies of the singers. 

In “Forever Plaid,” we find four young men with big dreams of their own who are played to perfection - Sparky (Matt Edmonds), Leader Francis (Adam LaSalle), Smudge (Christopher Ratliff), and Jinx (Yando Lopez).

Unfortunately, on their climb to fame their young lives are cut short when they are all killed in a motor accident on their way to a gig (their car being hit by a school bus of girls on their way to see The Beatles) and end up "singing for the Angels" or in this case, for us, their 'one night only' earthly audience members. 

The talented cast come to harmonious life brilliantly in such memorable and romantic songs as “Three Coins in The Fountain”, “Moments to Remember”, “No Not Much”, “Catch A Falling Star” and “Love Is A Many Splendored Thing."

I don't want my arms around you, no, not much
I don't bless the day I found you, no, not much
I don't need you like the stars don't need the sky
I won't love you longer than the day I die
You don't please me when you squeeze me, no, not much
My heads the lightest from your very slightest touch
Baby, if you ever go, could I take it maybe so
Oh, but would I like it, no, not much

The really intriguing aspect of this entertaining production is the way it is directed by Brenda Didier who was previously a choreographer. Didier directs this fabulous foursome of voices in such a way that their every move, their every hand gesture or look, at the audience or each other is also interpreted by their bodies, hands and eyes.  The movement value that Didier adds to this show has a remarkable effect on the audience when each harmony, each word and each sentiment of these beautiful classic lyrics come back to life (pardon the pun) and demonstrate just how amazing these harmonies are and how complex musically the quartets must devote themselves to each note. It is absolutely hypnotic!  

The thing I really love about this story is that Stuart Ross allows the four young men in the show express a little bit of their sadness at having their lives and road to stardom cut short but then as they recall their memories of long days of rehearsing, carefully choosing a name and costumes, early gigs gone wrong and one performance for a real superstar at the time, they realize that they really did achieve something with their short semi-professional careers - something wonderful they would have missed if they had never tried. It is interesting and still meaningful to performers today who may perform their whole lives and never achieve fame or stardom that a chance encounter with one true celebrity star, ends up being the crown jewel in their memory bank of validation as singers.

Perry Como is passing through their town (by chance or destiny?) on the night of one their gigs and Sparky, played with incredible vocal range and perfect comic timing by Edmonds, steals a portion of Como's broken-down vehicle so that he can invite Perry Como to their gig that night. They sing "Catch a Falling Star" in honor of Perry Como and Perry is so impressed he gives them his "golden" monogrammed cardigan as a parting gift - which the four treasure and enshrine literally forever! 

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For love may come and tap you on the shoulder some starless night
Just in case you feel you want to hold her
You'll have a pocketful of starlight

Edmonds, LaSalle, Ratliff and Lopez light up the stage as the plaid-obsessed Forever Plaid quartet with their impressive harmonies and a wealth of well-executed humor. The foursome performs in front of a three-piece band, really putting all the pieces in place for an all-around entertaining show.

I highly recommend this funny and cheerful gem of a show for anyone who enjoys hearing superbly delivered classic songs and appreciates well-timed humor. Didier's choreography brings fresh life to each classic and perfectly showcases in new detail the amazingly talented quartet assembled for this show. 

“Forever Plaid” is being performed at Theater at the Center in Munster, Indiana through June 3rd. To purchase the revue’s very reasonable tickets at $42-$46 or to find out more show information visit


Published in Theatre in Review

The Wizard of Oz is fun for all ages — this is as true today as it was in 1939. While there is a special kind of magic exclusive to the film due to the phenomenal cast as well as the strong nostalgia surrounding it, there is another kind of magic exclusive to seeing the musical live onstage.

A cherished family musical, this is the perfect show to bring kids to; with the upbeat musical numbers, colorful cast and sets, and lovable characters, they’re sure to be entertained. The classic songs by Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg include "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "If I Only Had a Brain," "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead," and more, almost all featuring peppy dance numbers with lively choreography by Amy McCleary.

Tin Man (Christopher Russell), Dorothy (Kalie Kaimann), Lion (Victor Legarreta) and Scarecrow (Chris Duir). Photo credit: Denise S. Trupe

With direction by Dean Sabon, who previously created the national tours of Fiddler on the Roof and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, this version of The Wizard of Oz brings new elements to a beloved classic.

One of the coolest things about this production is the use of a giant screen to serve as the various backgrounds, as opposed to elaborate set pieces for backdrop. This was utilized impressively during the twister scene when Dorothy and Toto seek shelter in Aunt Em and Uncle Henry’s house, among other scenes, having a 3-D effect that was exciting to watch. Throughout, the production uses a fun combination of traditional theatre sets and tech-y special effects.

The Wizard of Oz is playing at the Chicago Theatre through May 20th. Tickets on Ticketmaster.


Published in Theatre in Review

The play is set in the late 1970s during Argentina’s notorious Guerra Sucia, otherwise known as the “Dirty War.” Three story follows three generations of women - a grandmother, a mother and a daughter – as they stand together against a corrupt government that has been known make its opposers disappear.

As “The Madres” opens we see a grandmother, Josefina (played in Chicago by Ivonne Coll from TV's hit show “Jane the Virgin”), getting an unexpected visit from her church's priest, Padre Juan (Ramon Camin). Padre Juan seems to be trying to help Josefina protect her daughter, Carolina (Lorena Diaz), who has been openly demonstrating against a vicious military dictatorship by wearing the white head scarf of "The Madres,” a group of courageous mothers who took to the streets of Argentina in front of the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires to protest the kidnapping , torture and murder of not only their children but hundreds of thousands of citizens , artists, journalists and activists. 

From 1976 to 1983, during the "Dirty War," this military regime enlisted members of the catholic church who kept a close eye on their congregations to scare the families of the "disappeared" into not searching for them. The whole situation strongly resembles the Nazi tactics which forced Jews and non- Jews alike from all walks of life to decide between keeping their own lives and remaining family members safe and pressuring the police and clergy to release the living but captive family members from torturous conditions of imprisonment. 

At one point the enormity of this genocide is put across by the description of "hundreds of packages falling from the sky onto farm land" - packages which were filled not with supplies but with the dismembered bodies of the thousands of kidnapped citizens. 

It is a shockingly relevant play given how recently this violence all occurred and the hostile stance that President Trump is actively taking, encouraging against demonstrators and journalists alike who speak out and/or attend protests of his various "actions" like the Muslim ban and the building of the pipeline on Native American land which resulted in severe injuries to protesters. 

During the play, a soldier for the government pays a visit to the family who was a childhood friend of Carolina and an ardent admirer of her daughter who has been kidnapped along with her husband even though she is pregnant. Felipe Carrasco plays the soldier, Diego, with a scary and realistic edginess of a madman who clearly wants to use the kidnapping as an opportunity to be with Carolina's daughter- even though she hates him and is under extreme physical and emotional  distress. 

Ivonne Call and Lorena Diaz really convey the daily struggle and psychological toll that living under these horrific circumstances cause and there were many tears shed with these talented actresses monologues in the catharsis of this short but very informational and moving piece.    

Although the subject matter is difficult and depressing, playwright, Stephanie A. Walker, succeeds at showing the audience both the horror of the genocide and the beauty and pleasures of the Argentinian family lifestyle that the "Dirty War" interrupted and ended for at least 100,000 innocent civilians.  

The play, which opened in Los Angeles last year could not be better, clearly shows how impossible it is for civilians to survive or even to publicly protest the advancing hatred of a violent ideology once a dictator-like regime has taken physical control of the populace including their clergymen, police and legislators. 

Highly Recommended. 

Teatro Vista’s “The Madres” is being performed at Victory Gardens Biograph Theater through May 27th. For more information visit

Published in Theatre in Review

It’s been three days since seeing Jesus Christ Superstar at Lyric Opera’s Civic Center and I still find myself going from character to character in the kitchen, in the car, while I’m working, while doing chores around the house and, moments ago, in the elevator. I may not be able to hit the brassy baritone notes sang by Cavin Cornwall as Caiaphas (or any of the character’s notes for that matter) but I give it my best shot because it’s just one of those shows – the songs stick – as they should. After all, we are talking about what many consider Andrew Lloyd Weber’s greatest work and perhaps one of the most masterful musicals of our time. We are talking about a musical that does not have a single weak number.

Having seen several variations of Jesus Christ Superstar from it’s very early runs in the 1970’s with Ted Neeley, many as he aged (the last while in his mid-sixties), and with a handful with others in the role of Jesus, Lyric Opera’s stage adaptation stays true to form – and then some. Cast members donned in hoods spread out across the main floor of the theatre before running to the stage during the opening overture. The set and costumes take us to a somewhat post-apocalyptic era, and though unnecessary as the musical is ever so effective taking place in biblical times, we still get the point.

With clever and ever-so-fitting lyrics by Tim Rice and an unbeatable soundtrack by Lloyd Weber, Jesus Christ Superstar takes us through Jesus’ rise in popularity as the promised messiah for his people over his last days. At the same time the pharisees show alarm and fear as Jesus is as a threat to their teachings – a threat that must be destroyed. While taking us through the last supper and eventually the crucifixion, the musical closely examines the love/hate relationship between Jesus and Judas, and the inner conflicts had by the latter. We also get a look at Rice and Weber’s perception of Mary Magdalene’s bond with Jesus, as she takes on a motherly approach in “Everything’s Alright” and that of almost a confused lover in “I Don’t Know How to Love Him”.

Jo Lampert as Mary Magdalene soothes Jesus (Heath Saunders)

Over eighty artists take the stage to perform with the thirty-seven musicians strategically placed in plain view on the set. The talent in this production is nothing short of spectacular, the choreography original and fun, particularly in that of the pharisees in the number “This Jesus Must Die,” adding a unique element of menace. The standouts in this show are many. Ryan Shaw delivers big as Judas holding true to the role’s intention immediately impressing from his opening number “Heaven on Their Minds” while Jo Lampert as Mary Magdalene shows great vocal command as she goes from gentle and soothing to prevailing power.

Ted Neeley who portrayed Jesus in the 1973 film, touring the role prior and still doing so to this day, along with Deep Purple’s Ian Gillan who was the voice of Jesus on the original album recording, set a precedent that, if not met, can lead to disappointment by the production’s most loyal fans. Gillan and Neeley set the bar high. The two were so successful in adding a rock and roll element to Jesus - screams and all - so that many in the role to follow were doomed to fail. This is not the case in Lyric’s current production. Heath Saunders exemplifies what the Jesus Christ Superstar loyal want to see in the role of Jesus. Diehards of the production call for a rock and roll Jesus and Saunders gives them just that. While stunning the crowd with his wide vocal range and hitting the highs where we’ve come to expect the highs, Saunders also gives us a Jesus who is sensitive, caring and embodies that of a teacher.

After tearing it up as Judas in Paramount’s 2017 production of Jesus Christ Superstar and taking on an ensemble role in the recent NBC televised special, Mikal Kilgore returns to the classic musical, this time as Simon Zealotes. Kilgore again puts forth an untouched performance, only leaving the audience with the regret his lead numbers are limited. Michael Cunio as Pilate Shaun Fleming as Herod are equally impressive as they pass the buck on who will be responsible for Jesus punishment that is called for by the people. Rounding out the sensational cast are Joseph Anthony Byrd as Annas and Cavin Cornwall as Caiaphas whose performances as the sinister pharisees are also on point.

Shaun Fleming as Herod

Jesus Christ Superstar is one of the great modern-day musicals and Lyric Opera of Chicago is one of Chicago’s premiere venues. Their pairing makes a lot of sense. Lyric spares no expenses presenting an all-around magnificent cast, a collection of Chicago’s finest musicians, superb direction and choreography and a set and lighting design that includes a 37-foot cross illuminated with 101 lights and seven full-sized trees that stand in the background overlooking all the action.

Categorically recommended.

Jesus Christ Superstar is being performed at Lyric Opera of Chicago through May 20th. For tickets and/or more show information, visit


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I am constantly amazed as the way directors use the intimate, theater in the round, at The Marriott Lincolnshire Theatre and this exuberant production of “Oklahoma!” celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the classic Rogers and Hammerstein musical is no exception. 

As soon as the dancing begins, this production shows that indeed the entire show of “Oklahoma!” with magnificent, definitive songs like "Oh what a Beautiful Morning" and "People Will say We're in Love,” was meant to be a ballet. This especially rings true during the memorable ballet sequence at the end of Act I which featured tow amazing dancers Benita Bünger (Dream Laurey), Lucas Segovia (Dream Curly) and Alejandro Fonseca (Dream Jud).

It’s farmers against cowboys in this late 19th century musical adventure that follows two love stories. Curly McClain, a cowboy, wants desperately for Laurey Williams to love him, but her stubbornness has her taking her family’s farmhand, Jud Fry, to the big dance instead – and Jud has some serious issues. Laurey’s Aunt Eller can’t understand why her niece is so reluctant to give Curly a chance and has big reservations when Jud gets involved. At the same time, cowboy Will Parker is in love with Ado Annie Carnes and will do whatever it takes to win her over. However, Ado Annie also has eyes for a Persian peddler, Ali Hakim.

The classic western takes a few turns and includes some bumps in the road for the main characters while unfolding into the direction of what becomes a most memorable ending. “Oklahoma!” is an entertaining story that has a bit of everything – jealousy, love, romance, humor and heroes. But in this stage adaptation, it’s the fantastic dance numbers that impress the most.

The dance sequences so beautifully choreographed by Alex Sanchez (and there are many by the entire cast) are some of the best and most exciting dance numbers I've seen in recent musicals. Each number make use of every aisle and every inch of the stage from opening number to rousing finale.

Brandon Springman is mesmerizing in the lead role as Curly while Jennie Sophia plays his romantic interest, Laurey, with great intelligence and romance. Both have really wonderful voices that are accompanied by thoughtful, realistic acting choices that make you fall in love with this couple and understand why they both let their headstrong pride get in the way of what is obvious to everyone else in town as a love affair that is meant to be. Shea Coffman is very strong as Jud Fry and can be flat out frightening at times while Michelle Lauto really gets to show off her gifted voice as Ado Annie. The talent goes on and on as Evan Tyrone Martin is very funny and likeable as Ali Hakim and Aaron Umsted steals several scenes with his electrifying dancing prowess as Will Parker.

There is also a modern-day relevance that pops out at the audience when Laurey complains to her Aunt Eller (played with great wry humor by Susan Moniz) that Jud, the moody, porn-obsessed, farmhand is staring her down at breakfast every day and generally scaring her when her aunt replies that she is being too sensitive and should ignore him. But Judd's behavior is pure sexual harassment by a man with mental health issues who is not only capable of violence and in the cathartic last scene, acts out with both sexual violence against Laurie and a murder attempt towards her beau Curly.

The entire cast is full of rich singing voices and the sing-along at the end of the show to the title song "Oklahoma!" really sums up the lively spirit of this beautifully sung, acted, and danced production of a classic. 

I highly recommend this fast paced but satisfying and exciting production for all members of your family to experience the magic and wonder of one of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s great American works. 

“Oklahoma!” runs through June 10th at the Marriott Theatre, 10 Marriott Drive, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Tickets are available at or 847-634-0200.


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Steppenwolf Theatre’s latest production is going to generate much buzz – quickly - and with good reason. In fact, it’s already been extended through June 2nd. Playwright Matthew-Lee Erlbach’s The Doppelganger (an international farce) is a riotous comedy that doesn’t skip a beat, boasting a cast that is as good as it gets in a script that barely allows the audience to breathe between laughter. Reminiscent of the absurdity Hollywood so often would place the likes of Mel Brooks, Peter Sellers or the Marx Brothers smack-dab in the middle, The Doppelganger successfully takes farce to the stage where an uncontained series of events that are highly exaggerated, excessive, and consequently implausible are successfully translated. Erlbach’s vision is effectively met thanks to Tina Landau’s finely-tuned direction through the use of deliberate ludicrousness and gobbledygook, broadly stylized presentations along with a whole lot of physical humor.

Rainn Wilson, who is best known for his role as “Dwight Shrute”, the competitive, over-the-top, social-skill-lacking paper salesman on NBC’s award-winning The Office, takes charge of the leading roles as the wealthy British businessman Thomas Irdley and his doppelganger Jimmy Peterson, an American seemingly fascinated with everything in life and someone you wouldn’t be surprised to find at a Phish concert. One would be hard-pressed to find a more ideal actor for the dual roles. Wilson’s transition from TV/film back to live stage is flawless.

In a whirlwind of mishaps that take place throughout mistaken identity, misunderstandings, partial eavesdropping and, “Whoops! Wrong door!”, we get an engaging story of international politics. Taking place in Bangui, the Francophone capital of the Central African Republic, the fun begins when Irdley is to host a weekend-long meeting to discuss a copper deal, inviting the likes of an American General (Michael Accardo), a Saudi Arabian prince (Andy Nagraj), and a handful of other players, including former African leader, Michel Masaragba (James Vincent Meredith) and his wife Lolade Masaragba (Ora Jones). But prior to the mini-summit, Irdley and his housekeeper Rosie Guerokoyame (Celeste M. Cooper) are preparing for another guest, Irdey’s doppelganger Jimmy Peterson, a kindergarten teacher from Quincy, Illinois. When Irdley mistakenly takes an elephant tranquilizer instead of his blood pressure medication, he is rendered unconscious, unable to participate in the weekend talks that will undoubtedly have an international effect. It is then that his housekeeper Rosie presses Peterson into action to take the place of Irdley in order to push her own agenda – that being the fair treatment of African workers. From there Rosie and Peterson become unlikely co-conspirators, the two hysterically finding themselves deeper and deeper into what can only be described as a hot mess of bargaining and back channel politics, every partaker conniving for their own selfish needs.

The humor is rapid fire and the play’s running time of nearly two hours and thirty minutes flies by. It is a quick-moving theatrical experience that is well-acted, offers one hilarious exchange after another while sprinkling in a seamless amount of intrigue to keep its audience guessing. The Doppelganger is a perfect tribute to the great farce comedies yet comes with its own unique flavor. Steppenwolf smartly provides Wilson with an airtight supporting cast of premium talent so that each character gets a serious amount of appreciation. Audrey Francis as the IBS-stricken Beatrix Geddes-Renwick is a comedic playwright’s godsend while Whit K. Lee as businessman Wen Xiaoping and Karen Rodriguez as the prince’s girlfriend, Marina, can do no wrong, also piercingly funny in several scenes.

                                                (left to right) Rainn Wilson and Karen Rodriguez in The Doppelganger (an international farce) - Photo by Michael Brosilow

If it takes the creation of a war to make everyone benefit from a copper deal, then so be it. While a comedy that supplies a laugh per minute, Erlbach also gives his audience a behind the scenes look at the perils of choreographed war not only showing the greed by its benefactors and lack of care for humanity but, in doing so, strengthens the premise that the rich will always become richer while the people who want to make a difference to better the world are often stifled and so easily dismissed. With plans to create self-induced atrocities in Africa knowing that certain countries will intervene, and certain products will increase in manufacturing (i.e. weapons), the elite group plans to meet their own agenda with the use of fake news to generate an international outpouring of sympathy and support. Though guised in an outrageous comedy, the point is made clear - political corruption exists and, unfortunately, often triumphs over good.

Brilliantly hilarious and vastly entertaining, Rainn Wilson’s superb performance certainly highlight’s The Doppelganger, though this play has so much more to offer from its sensational script to its commanding supporting cast - and a set that is a whole lot of fun in itself. But the play is also a breath of fresh air in an age where no one wants to offend or be offended. Says Chicago playwright Matthew-Lee Erlbach in an interview found in Steppenwolf’s playbill on the challenges of writing a traditional farce in today's climate, “We are provoked by reality, offended by the radical truths that shape our world. I am taking that farce and putting it on stage. I am writing the world as it has been recycled back to me, igniting those inherited devices, throwing them back at those oppressive power structures, and blowing them up on stage. Unchecked power is exploiting the human species, other species and the planet as a whole. I will use all rhetorical devices available to me to expose and disable those who are dangerous to society.”

“Also,” Erlbrach continues, “we have to be able to laugh at ourselves. If we lose the ability to find ourselves ridiculous and see the humor in those things that are painful, sensitive, nuanced, dear, we will become constipated, humorless and depleted of objectivity.”

The Doppelganger is not only a fitting homage to farce comedy, it is an eye-opening satire of today’s world-wide political happenings. This nearly immaculate, exceedingly humorous international adventure certainly falls in the “must see” category of Chicago stage works.

The Doppelganger (an international farce) is being performed at Steppenwolf Theatre through June 2nd. For tickets and/or more show information visit


Published in Theatre in Review

The immensely talented Hershey Felder’s new solo act, Our Great Tchaikovsky, is the latest in a series of plays about world’s greatest composers and musicians, including Gershwin, Chopin, Beethoven, Bernstein, et al. that span nearly two decades. Directed by Trevor Hay and written by Hershey Felder, the play is being performed at the Steppenwolf’s upstairs theatre.

The play-with-music is a study of Russia’s greatest composer, his secret life and mysterious death. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s music is masterfully woven into the story, as Felder, a classically trained pianist [and impressive singer] plays excerpts of Tchaikovsky’s compositions on stage, from “The Seasons” to “The Nutcracker”, which was conceived while on tour in America, as we learn from the play. Having spent 18 months researching his subject and making the most use of Tchaikovsky’s personal diary and correspondence, Felder paints an intensely intimate image of the composer; his struggles to impress his critics with his compositions while fiercely concealing “who he really was”. Tsarist’s Russia was a notoriously closed-minded and oppressive country, and sexual deviations from “the norm” were not tolerated. And thus, Tchaikovsky spent most of his life feeling deeply ashamed of his homosexuality and fearful that, if found out, he would be sent to Siberia. Composing music was his only outlet for the soul... that and a steady stream of lovers, sometimes dangerously young ones.

Thus, an image of a true artist emerges: hugely talented, largely misunderstood and constantly depressed; a tortured soul. Nevertheless, he “loved everyone and was loved by everyone”, except, perhaps, his critics, who even declared the ballet “The Nutcracker” to be “void of any creativity” when it first came out. Right.

Felder gives Tchaikovsky an upbeat attitude, though the diary entries tell a different story. Having suffered from melancholy his entire life, the composer’s cause of death remains a mystery, despite the fact that Russian authorities insist that he died suddenly at the age of 53 from contracting cholera. Alternative theories include suicide, murder on the orders of the Tsar, and order to commit suicide. Interestingly, Russian authorities also declared that there’s absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Tchaikovsky was homosexual. Some things never change in Russia.

Our Great Tchaikovsky is being performed at Steppenwolf Theatre through May 13th. For more information, visit

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Many of us know the story. Three women who work in an office and seek revenge on an abusive male boss. Who can forget Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda as they made a united stand for women in the now classic film “9 to 5”. Our women heroes are lovable, fiery and smart and, with that said, “9 to 5 the Musical” is playing at The Den Theatre and is a must see!

Recently, I have been on a Broadway kick and even bought season tickets and with a lackluster start of the season, I was ready to check out some local plays – something I encourage everyone to do. The Den Theatre is cozy, and the bar is nice as well. This wasn’t my first visit, but my first since they had renovated the space. With upgrades and newly created theatres, The Den is vastly improved and gives theatre goers even more reason to check out a play. The theatre is divided up in different sections across its three floors, each space unique from the other in order to hold different styles of plays.

The funny musical with music by Dolly Parton is put on by Firebrand Theatre which is all about empowering and employing women in the industry. With movements like “Time’s Up” and “Me Too,” it is great to hear about the work they are doing. “9 to 5” makes sense for Firebrand Theatre to produce as the story includes three strong women who are looking to bring in flexibility and positivity into the workplace.

The caliber of talent in this show speaks for itself. The production’s set, through simple, with the phenomenal voices belonging to each member of the diverse cast really stuck out in my mind. Sharriese Hamilton who played Doralee, was fantastic. Her energy and flawless southern accent was perfection. We see her character being followed by an office rumor of her having an affair with the manager, Mr. Hart. It was quite disgusting to see Mr. Hart, played by Scott Danielson, degrade her and do things around the office that put her in such compromising positions.

Violet (Anne Sheridan Smith) and Judy (Sara Reinecke) round out the trio. With excellent performances and growth throughout in each character, I couldn’t get enough of the show!

“9 to 5” reminds me of how far we have come but is also a reminder that we still have so much more to go when it comes to the workplace. We should continue with the fight and advocate for fairness in all aspects of life. We should do better.

Go see the musical that includes a variety of fun songs, including its title number, at the Den Theatre (1331 N. Milwaukee) as soon as possible. The play will be running until May 20th and tickets costs $45 and well worth the experience.
“9 to 5 the Musical” is being performed at Den Theatre in Wicker Park through May 20th. For more show info visit

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“South Pacific” is a timeless Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical full of wonderful romance and social commentary about racism that is important for young and old to experience today and I was thoroughly impressed with Drury Lane’s warm, happy, romantic interpretation of the classic show. It is the latest of shows to run at the theatre and perhaps the best I can remember in recent history.

Taking place on a South Pacific island during World War II, the plot revolves around Ensign Nellie Forbush, an American nurse, who falls in love with a French plantation owner, who is middle-aged and quite a bit older than her. It is when she discovers Emile de Becque’s children from his late, Asian wife, that she struggles with her own prejudices. As the island hosts American naval troops, nurses and its own natives, another love story develops between the handsome, young Lieutenant Joseph Cable and a beautiful Tonkinese woman, Liat. But he, too, fears the social costs.

Each and every voice in this production is outstanding. Robert Cuccioli as Emile de Becque really played the role nicely with a good sense of humor and his vocal numbers soared with great feeling and the experience of a seasoned pro bringing the entire audience under the spell of new and intoxicating island romance. Cuccioli has a wonderful, rich operatic voice and is very likable in the role, leaving us little doubt to his ability as a talented vocalist with his final, powerful note of “Emile’s Terrace” to close out Act I.

Samantha Hill as the down to earth “hick” “Ensign Nellie Forbush” is a pleasure to watch. Hill also has a gifted voice and her enthusiastic, good natured portrayal of Nellie falling in love with De Becque during “(I’m in Love with) A Wonderful Guy” was exactly the type of joyful, naïve, and honest portrayal of true love and excitement that the play needs to counter the heavy nature of the tragedy of war.

The musical, well-directed by Victor Malana Maog, also includes perhaps one of the strongest supporting casts in any production of “South Pacific” I have ever seen. Yvonne Strumecki is absolutely stunning as “Bloody Mary”.  Strumecki’s vocals are rich and impressive and she is able to both hit the high notes and get the laughs in this role, which can be heavy handed if not approached just the way she did, with more warmth than anger. Strumecki’s voice is simply beautiful during my favorite song from the show, “Bali Hai,” and both desperate and wry during “Happy Talk,” as she tries to talk the Lt. Joseph Cable into staying with her beautiful native daughter, Liat.

As Lieutenant Joseph Cable, Austin Colby stuns the audience with his rendition of “Younger then Springtime,” his voice angelic and finely finessed – literally a show stopping moment.

In this well-cast classic, the ensemble of nurses and soldiers and officers are excellent singers and dancers - really drawing laughs from the audience and getting them involved during the adorable numbers “There is Nothing Like a Dame” and “I'm In Love with a Wonderful Guy”. Matt Crowle as Luther Billis is exceptional, displaying flawless comic timing, perhaps harnessing a bit from the school Art Carney.

The set design is a delicious tropical island with low hanging palm trees that rotate around the stage per scene, soft pools of light breaking through the leaves, really placing the audience in the Southern Pacific. The set was a delight to behold and immediately places the entire audience right in the middle of the warm, steamy heat and action from the moment the play switched from the impressive interior of de Becque’s ritzy home.

Overall, the cast is superb and meshes incredibly well with each other while the orchestra provides us with a dreamy soundtrack that along with the imaginative set, puts us in a tropical paradise.
“South Pacific” is almost in a category by itself. Few other musicals actually open with the leads falling in love at first sight to magical, unmatched quintessential lyrics like:

Some enchanted evening
When you find your true love,
When you feel her call you
Across a crowded room,
Then fly to her side,
And make her your own
Or all through your life you
May dream all alone
I highly recommend seeing Drury Lane’s production of “South Pacific” for the many wonderful vocal performances of spectacular songs like “Some Enchanted Evening”, “Bali Hai” and “Younger than Springtime” and also for the wonderfully warm, inviting and joyful interpretation of this enduring classic about true love.

“South Pacific” is being performed at Drury Lane through June 17th. For more show information visit


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