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Kendall Royzen

Kendall Royzen

The first time I read an Elephant & Piggie book I didn’t think highly of it. I thought they were too simple, too cliche. I read one, and didn’t pick up another. Every parent raved about these books. Every small child knew who Elephant & Piggie were, offering their recommendations of their favorite stories. It wasn’t until my own children picked Elephant & Piggie books up from the library – on their own – and started reading the simple words, following the simple storylines, laughing and giggling, that I grew to love these books. And I couldn’t wait to see the Elephant & Piggie in real life as they perform at The Marriott Theater in Lincolnshire.


Elephant & Piggie's "We Are in a Play!" is a story that celebrates Elephant & Piggie books written by award-winning, best-selling children's author, Mo Willems.In Elephant & Piggie's "We Are in a Play!", Gerald and Piggie take to the stage in a rollicking adventure that is perfect for young audiences. An elephant named Gerald and a pig named Piggie are best, best, "bestus" (a word Gerald and Piggie made up that means "very best") friends, but Gerald worries that something could go wrong that would end their friendship. Piggie is not worried at all. She's even happier and more excited than usual. That's because she and Gerald are invited to a party hosted by the Squirrelles, three singing squirrels who love to have a good time. And so begins a day when anything is possible. Starring the incomparable and stellar casting of Lillian Castillo (Piggie) and Lorenzo Roy Jr. (Gerald), Elephant & Piggie's "We Are in a Play!" is a perfect way to introduce young people to theater.

Parents and kids will immediately find themselves watching a real life storytelling of their beloved modern classics. From a fun invitation arriving for Piggie, an homage to "I am Invited to a Party!", to sweet moments of party prep lamenting a lack of rhythm, an homage to "Elephants cannot dance,” the play pulls from multiple Elephant & Piggie books, ensuring there is something for everyone. Coupled with smart writing (script and lyrics by Mo Willems), live bubbles, and dancing Squirrells you are watching literature come to life. The Marriott Theater continues to select engaging and relevant plays to produce for children’s theater. “We are in a Play!” was another success in many well curated seasons and will sure to be a crowd favorite.

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Leaving the play, I listened to my kids provide Siskel and Ebert quality reviews of the play; what worked, what didn’t, and what was missing (it was the Pigeon!). They asked me my opinions and did not find them sufficient; “you only liked it? You didn’t love it?” And when we arrived home, they wandered off to the library and read every single Elephant and Piggie book we own. What a beautiful thing, to love to read about your favorite Elephant and your favorite Piggie. What a beautiful thing to read.

“We are in a Play!” is playing at the Marriott Theater in Lincolnshire and runs through August 13th. Tickets are available at www.MarriottTheatre.com.

There is something bittersweet of a one-time performance. The single moment in time displaying artistic excellence, be it music, dance, or art, retreats as quickly as it appears. The audience is often left reeling and wrestling with their emotions, reflecting on the performance, and recalling the beautiful moments they witnessed, as if trying to convert the fleetingness of the art to memory and make sense of their emotions. There is no better venue in all of Chicagoland suited to those brief artistic moments than Ravinia. 

This June, Ravinia was the backdrop for the Ruth Page Civic Ballet and Friends showcase featuring four talented dance companies (Ruth Page Civic Ballet, Deeply Rooted Dance Theater, Hedwig Dances, and Jumaane Taylor) performing classical and contemporary dance pieces that explored human nature and our emotions. More notably, the companies featured trainees of the dance companies, young burgeoning Chicago talent looking to launch their careers as professional dancers. Many of the young artists had offers in hand to prestigious programs and companies around the country with many more offers hopefully to follow.  

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The showcase featured eight beautiful pieces roughly ten to twenty minutes in length. Deeply Rooted Dance Theater’s piece “Aisantnaf” featuring Ahmad Hill was a standout performance with intricate lighting highlighting the dancer’s body and movement in intricate detail, making the slow burning performance entrancing to watch. Hedwig Dances featured a single contemporary piece “Syzygy” featuring H. Meneses, Rigo Suara, and Paula Sousa that explored the power of three as both humans and something more cellular. The piece had an odd track that made it almost uncomfortable to watch and the musical accompaniment played almost too loud, distracting from the interlacing of the dancers on the stage. It would be worth a second watch and a possible track change to see the piece performed again. 

The absolute crowd favorite of the showcase was Jumaane Taylor and Kayana Latimer of Jumaane Taylor and Stone Soup Rhythms performing “Cheap Suites 1-5.” The tap dancers play in these five short lived rhythmic minutes-long wonders, scratching deep into the floor until they decide to "check-out." The ensemble taps into a determination to morph the strategi rthymic patterns of Karriem Riggins (Detroit master drummer and producer), using detailed tap steps to particularly collaborate with these intrumental vibrations. The tap number was high energy and showcased the incredible skill, speed, and mastery the craft requires. Each small tap or pounding step resonated with the stage and the music in perfect lock step. It brought a smile to every face in the audience and was a difficult act to follow within the showcase.

In every showcase there is one performance that leaves you wanting more. For me it was a Ruth Page piece. While “Pasajera La Lluvia” featuring Kaelen Gouveia and Oscar Uribe Zapata was a beautiful contemporary piece, the standout was the finale performance of “Abscission” by Adrián Marcelo Sáenz. The number featured all the Ruth Page trainees within their ballet company; Keely Clark, Kaelen Gouveia, Hannah Gonzalez, Mian Hirasawa, Alicia Rene Kenefic, and Oscar Uribe Zapata. The contemporary performance was an exploration of the most intimate and dark places of ourselves; a self-imposed chain, a toxic past, a double edged decision, are we free or lost without them? It was an intimate, technical, and passionate performance by all the dancers and truly was a culmination of their years of hard work and talent. The entire piece could be expanded on to be a standalone show.

While a single performance can leave one bittersweet, it can also be the culmination of years of training displaying the years of hard work and talent put into the artform. The young talent on display at Ravinia for Ruth Page Civic Ballet and Friends was beautiful in its fleetingness. Chicago and Ravinia should expect to see these talented artists soon as they embark on the next chapters of their careers. To learn more about the Ruth Page Center of the Arts’ programs and initiatives, please visit www.ruthpage.org. To view Ravinia’s 2023 and lineup and purchase tickets visit www.ravinia.org.

It's Mother's Day today and you know what that means, 

It's the day we honor those who rock cool mom jeans.

Don't pretend you don't own some, they're back in fashion, ya know,

So don those old favorites and step out for a show.

Maya Rowe Leah Morrow Tafadzwa Diener Jacquelyne Jones










Grab your friends, hire a sitter, and venture out to the city,

To see a play that is irreverent, honest, sharp, and so witty.

Mothering figures will rejoice at this theme that’s well understood,

There is nothing quite like MotherFreakingHood!

The musical comedy plays out in two simple acts,

The songs encapsulating straight motherhood facts,

From pregnancy pee sticks and kid drop-off lines,

To postpartum, pharmacology, and teen robotic crimes.

Three women meet while preggers, each one a mom troupe,

Finding love and support with each in the groupe.

Tafadzwa Diener plays Rachel, the excited new mom,

Whose joy is contagious but she’s anything but calm.

Jacquelyne Jones depicts Angie, the Type A CPA,

Planning every minute of kid life like a project ETA.

Leah Marrow plays Marcia, a seasoned mother of three,

She's blunt and uncensored and longs to break free.

Rounding out the ensemble is the great Maya Rowe,

Who plays “everywoman,” and who often steals the show.

Julie Dunlap and Sara Stotts who wrote the music and book,

Understood the assignment and knew just where to look,

For the content and humor that peppered this play,

For the sometimes sad, lonely, and miserable days.

The long lonely nights, the joy and the pain,

That only a mother figure can capture and explain.

It truly takes a village, we make mistakes and we try,

But like motherhood this musical made us laugh more than cry.

MotherFreakingHood! The musical runs through mid-June

Find tickets here and get to Southport very soon,

Buy the tickets to thank all the moms who’ve been there,

Grab a Mom Water, or two, or three (you don’t have to share!)

While we reflect on this day, with the mothers we love,

Be them our own, the ones we make, or the ones now above,

This world would be greyer without them around,

And remember they’ve loved you, from that first ultrasound.

If we can agree on one thing, it’s that we all do good,

In this crazy, fantastic, thing called MotherfreakingHood!

In 2023, “iconic” is a word often used hyperbolically. It is flippantly used to describe and categorize an incredible movie, a famous influencer clap back, a beautiful piece of fashion, or even used to describe a viral TikTok video. When we overuse or misuse a word enough it loses its meaning. In 2023 I submit we reclaim the word and apply it to those in life that truly exemplify to word, where all generations can come together and for a fleeting moment bask in the glow and apt use of the word. Because there is only one word that can describe the biopic of the often revered Queen of Rock and Roll, only one word that can encapsulate her lifetime, her career, and her legacy that will live in the new musical medium of her life. Tina Turner. Iconic.

Much like the artist’s life, TINA-The Tina Turner Musical is a hard-hitting, fast-paced, exhilarating rollercoaster chronically Tina Turner’s extraordinary life and career. Spanning from her childhood days in Nutbush, Tennessee, her early career as the lead singer of the Ike & Tina Turner Revue, her turbulent marriage to Ike Turner, and her incredible comeback as a solo performer which has often been hailed as the greatest comeback in music history. 

TINA- The Tina Turner Musical follows a similar style to some other blockbuster bio picks and plays such as Rocket Man (Elton John) and Mamma Mia (Abba), though it blows all other musical biopics out of the water. Tina’s catalog is sequenced into a timeline to tell her life’s story; “Nutbush City Limits”, released in 1973, opens up Act One of the musical where we meet Tina, born Anne Mae Bullock, who sings too loud for her 1940’s choir, River Deep Mountain High,” released in 1966, is performed in lockstep to her storyline as she records the track with Phil Spector at the height of her career with Ike Turner, and I Don’t Wanna Fight,” released in 1993, closes Act One as Tina is making up her mind to leave Ike after 16 years of marital abuse. Tina Turner’s catalog is filled with soulful, emotional, and powerful songs that provide the soundtrack to her life.

The audience is guided through the decades of Tina’s life through seamless stage transitions and beautiful costume design. A shuttered wooden door and simple cloth dresses for the 1940s, the big hair and glittering sequence against a tinsled 1970s Vegas stage backdrop, a microphone and desk in Phil Spector’s studio, bigger hair, a synthesizer, and a denim jacket for the 1980s. 

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Zurin Villanueva and Garrett Turner, and cast, in the Broadway tour of "Tina - The Tina Turner Musical" at Nederlander Theatre. Photo by MurphyMade / Handout.

TINA arrives to Chicago and the theater circuit at a pivotal moment. Recent years have been tumultuous for women from the Me Too movement and recent infringement on bodily autonomy. The iconic Turner herself lived through horrid abuse at the hands of a man, and that abuse is still pervasive today. Skinny trends are threatening to plague women and further rollback the body positivity movement. Millennial women are equally too young to have a voice and not old enough to sit at the table despite having children of our own.As we look for hope or simple escapism in 2023, we can draw inspiration from Tina Turner’s remarkable career. She overcame segregation and performed in the Jim Crow south, facing rampant and often unchecked racism, sexism, and physical abuse. Women in Tina’s life loved and supported her as best they could at a time when women had little to no power or belief in their stories. Tina Turner still battled racism during a European resurgence during her work with her Australian manager, Roger Davies, and battled ageism at 45 being told she’s over the hill.As the bevy of female Oscar winners this year will show, the narrative that women’s lives are over at a certain age is patriarchal  nonsense. Without the fighting supportive and uplifting strength of women, Tina Turner would not have prevailed in her career and the world would be all the more dim without her light.

TINA- The Tina Turner Musical is the broadway musical we need to get us out of our seats and singing as Proud as Mary. The musical runs through April 2nd at the James M Nederlander Theater (24 W Randolph St), tickets are available at Broadway In Chicago, get your tickets today before this show rolls on down the river.

On a rather ordinary winter day, I settled in to binge-watch Big Little Lies on HBO. In the show, the community of upper-class suburbia signs a petition to ban a musical from performing in the local theater. The play was against the community values, they argued, handling issues of racism, porn, and most dreadfully sex. The bit of the whole thing was that the play had puppets and those puppets simulated sex (gasp!). Watching the outrage of the characters in the show and the eye-rolling of the show’s protagonist of her narrow minded community members, I promised myself if the show ever came to Chicago I would be front row center. Luckily this fool’s spring, that show has officially come to Chicagoland; that show was Avenue Q.

Avenue Q can best be summed up as a satirical parody of PBS’s Sesame Street. The musical comedy features puppets and human actors with upbeat, clever, and catchy music and lyrics exploring adult themes. It won Best Musical, Book, and Score at the 2004 Tony Awards.

We arrive on Avenue Q with Princeton, a bright-eyed recent puppet college grad questioning the very thing I did after graduation with the song “What Do You Do with a B.A. in English?”. Princeton, like most of us, wonders what happens now in his life, how can he afford rent? What will he do for a living? What is his purpose? Princeton and his neighbors, both puppets and humans, are all young adults facing problems after school ends and the real world begins. They navigate and explore these issues often through song, problems dealing with money troubles, job issues, sex ("You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want (When You're Makin' Love)", homosexuality ("If You Were Gay"), unrequited love, racism ("Everyone's a Little Bit Racist"), and wondering when and how you can chase your dreams. There are incredibly relatable numbers that explore why we’re here and what the hell we’re supposed to be doing (“Purpose”), and longing for a more simplistic life (“I Wish I Could Go Back to College”). The musical also boasted profanity, fucking puppets, and I feared I would be asked to leave the theater when I couldn’t stop laughing when the puppet Kate-Monster and her puppet neighbor Trekkie Monster sing about the beauty and awe that is the internet “The Internet Is for Porn.” The Northlight production added some hilarious digital elements to the play during stage prep and scene changes, such as funny NYC facts and signs (free wi-fi ON don’t use for porn/free wi-fi OFF they used it for porn) and play-on-word counting videos like Sesame Street (5-4-3-2-1, 1 Night Stand) to prep for a sex scene in the musical.

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Avenue Q is a simultaneously well-known and obscure musical. Many audience members had seen the show while I had only heard of it in recent pop culture. It came out the same year I graduated high school and has aged incredibly well. What once might have seemed outrageous to audiences and critics at the time are rather tame by today’s standards. Some older and more current reviews point not to the content but to the mocking or disparaging parody of the groundbreaking show Sesame Street. To me, Avenue Q is merely the grown-up version of Sesame Street or the big brother who returned home jaded from college and moved in next door because they can’t afford rent. It’s the show that Sesame Street could have become if acquired by HBO from PBS. Said another way, Avenue Q is the Cards Against Humanity to Sesame Street’s Apples to Apples. The show’s humor grounds itself in the realness of stepping out as an adult in the world and it is why it is still relevant and relatable today. I can see it quickly becoming a cult classic amongst younger generations who embrace parody, satire, and humor in an otherwise brutal world.

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Avenue Q plays at the Northlight Theater (9501 Skokie Blvd) in Skokie. Northlight Theater continues to deliver incredible productions, and its 2023 lineup is filled with incredible shows. The theater is easily accessible for Chicagoans and suburbanites with a sense of humor. Tickets are available at Northlightcenter.org.

There is a lot of bad content out there, particularly regarding family programming. Any parent forced to endure an hour of Cocomelon will tell you, not every show is a banger or cult classic in the making. When modern programming fails, it is nice to know we can reach into the past and find good, reliable programming in the classics. For us, those classics are Rugrats, The Simpsons, Powerpuff Girls, Fraggle Rock, and of course School House Rock. When we learned that another classic, even more vintage, had a musical, we knew we had to check it out. With 2023 being the year of 'what was old is new again,' we ventured to the Northern burbs to see You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.

Based on the beloved Charles Schulz comic strip, the 1967 musical features Charlie Brown and the Peanuts bunch as they explore life's great questions: playing baseball, struggling with homework, singing songs, swooning over their crushes, and celebrating the joy of friendship.

We were so hopeful for this play and curious about the comic strip in musical form. There were most certainly a few standout moments such as the song "Suppertime" performed by Snoopy and "Beethoven Day" performed by Schroeder, but overall, the songs and music were quite forgettable; no one would be caught singing a song from this musical at an audition.

Much like the comic strip and small vignettes on DVD, the play did not really have a plot or a story arc. What motivates the characters? What is the climax or problem of the story? If this Charlie Brown person claims he has no talent and nothing to offer, and throughout the play we see him live up to that expectation, what is the point of watching him or the people in his life? One could reach for a plot in that Charlie Brown is a good man simply because he is so ordinary that it makes those around him stand out even more, even though they aren't particularly fascinating. We could even venture that he's a good man because he truly does no evil, only sort of floats around innocently, keeping to his own. he does good by doing nothing and allowing his friends to be themselves (even at his own detriment). 

The musical was short and sweet, just under an hour run time with over 20 songs. It's a small cast and simple design, and the Lincolnshire Marriot 360 Theatre ensured you saw every minute of the play from any angle. The only real redeeming quality of the show is that children loved it. In its simplicity and sweetness, it found its niche with the children in the audience whose faces lit up when Snoopy started to talk and when Linus sang a ballad to his blanket. Maybe our brains crave more action and drama than Charlie Brown would deliver (he is rather unextraordinary after all), or maybe Charlie Brown doesn't resonate like it did in the 60s and 70s, but nevertheless, it does have some lasting power, reaching out across generations to bring Boomers and Gen Alpha together for a brief moment out of lives. And maybe, just maybe, that was the real purpose of this musical.

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown is playing at the Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire and runs through April 1st. Grab the kids and grands and secure your tickets today. 

Like most things in our lives, what once was old can be new again (looking at you wannabe fanny packs). But some things can stand the test of time and find a resurgence, not to be duplicated but merely rediscovered by a new generation. A Chorus Line, now playing at the Drury Theatre, is just the thing that proves that, without duplication or manipulation, the themes exuded throughout the musical and its numbers speak across generations and stand the test of time and political correctness.

In A Chorus Line, hundreds of hopefuls congregate at a cattle call for Broadway dancers. A sour director and his assistant whittle down the ranks until they're left with 16 dancers (“head up, headband!”). All tell their life stories -- some tragic, some comic -- and explain their love of dance. Tension mounts when Cassie, once both a big star and the director's lover but now desperate for a part, auditions. But Zach must choose only the best for his show.

So what is it about A Chorus Line that gives it such staying power?

Maybe it’s the relateability of putting yourself on the line; working for years and years for a single moment, a single audition. The opening sequence of the musical “I Hope I Get It,” performed by the ensemble cast, brings the audience into the electrifying, heartpounding, anxiety-inducing audition. Aren't we all auditioning for the chorus? From job interviews to dating, we are always putting our best foot forward hoping against all the odds someone chooses us. We can prepare for years, memorize the steps, not miss a single beat, and still not get the part. With each hopeful cast member singing “I really need this job. Please God, I need this job. I've got to get this job,” resonates throughout the audience, and hits hard no matter the decade.

Perhaps it's the theme of understanding where you have come from to accept where you are today, no matter your background. As Zach interviews the cast, we begin to learn about the backgrounds of each hopeful auditioner, as they recall hilarious experiences and share embarrassing details such as “I really couldn't – Sing! I could never really – Sing! What I couldn't do was– Sing!” While recounting where they were, we learn that everyone on that stage dreamed of something bigger than them and we see an homage to youth and overcoming those awkward and challening years with "Hello twelve, hello thirteen, hello love!” Nostaligia can be sweet and innocent or bitter and sad, but they are our formative years. The number really highlights the humor, awkwardness, and tribulations of youth and celebrates it as the necessary path toward becoming who we are today.

It could be the relatability of fighting imposter syndrome, believing that you aren’t good enough. Or when we’re slowly unmasking, realizing you were being encouraged andpushed towards a life and dream that you didn’t really want. When Cassie takes the stage and expresses her only love was not to be a star but to dance, and as she dances her heart out in “The Music and the Mirror” we feel every kick, every headsnap, every spirit finger of emotion. For a single moment we’re all Cassie, wanting to just do what we love without fear, or judgement, or interpretation. To just dance and be allowed the freedom and autonomy to do just that.

For me, it’s the simple honesty of knowing that you tried; regardless of the outcome and if you never truly make it, at least you put yourself out there, and tried. “What I Did for Love” is the perfect balance of bittersweet gratitude, not regretting what you did in pursuit of a dream. It’s this theme that is the most prominent throughout the musical from the opening audition to the closing, glittering kick line.

Drury Lane is quickly becoming my favorite theatre in the Chicagoland area. It continues to deliver incredible performances under the glittering chandeliers of their venue and their 2023 line up is sure to draw even more suburban theater goers to Oak Brook instead of Chicago. A Chorus Line runs through March 19th, get your tickets today at https://drurylanetheatre.com/a-chorus-line/.

The month of December means one thing for ballet companies across the country: The Nutcracker. To audiences, this holiday classic brings the classic story of Clara and her Nutcracker Prince coming to life and journeying to the land of sweets. For young dancers, however, The Nutcracker is a culmination and celebration of a year of hard work; hours of work in the studio, rounds of auditions, and weeks of preparation, ending in a handful of performances amidst the glittering lights of the stage. For the Ruth Page Center for the Arts dancers, their company shined bright as they performed the holiday favorite on the NEIU stage, kicking off the holiday season with bright and burgeoning talent.

The Ruth Page Center for the Arts is a Chicago ballet company developing great artists and connects them with audiences and the community.  With a primary focus on dance as a necessary art form, its programming ensures that children and dance artists have a place to train, work and perform at the highest level of excellence. This year's performance of the Nutcracker was a full-length production choreographed by Ruth Page herself and featured the elite Ruth Page Civic Ballet Training Company along with international guest artists.

Growing up I spent most of December in the wings, watching our prima ballerinas dance The Arabian Coffee, The Mirliton, and The Waltz of the Flowers, but this December I sat next to an excited grandfather who whispered feverishly when his granddaughter took the stage as a young BonBon with Mother Ginger. His pride and excitement watching her dance was magical, and more wholesome and heartwarming than I’ve ever felt during a professional performance. The youngest dancers in the company performed as young soldiers battling with The Nutcracker against the Mouse King, while some of the elite and guest artists performed as the Sugar Plum Fairy, the thrilling Russian dance, and Spanish Hot Chocolate. The corp supported each number well with effortless performances throughout the two acts. Dancers of all ages, races, and sizes were represented in this production and audiences whooped, cheered, and applauded loudly and proudly for their stars.  I can only imagine what my own mother felt when she watched me perform when I was younger. 

Ballet is one of the hardest arts, not only for the dancer physically and mentally but also for family budgets and time commitments. The thousands of dollars a year for premier training are daunting and dancers now need to commit young to develop the requisite skills the art demands. It can be taxing on the dancer and the family for different reasons. But in the end, The Nutcracker is a challenging ballet to put on stage with planning often beginning mid-year and dancing roles auditioned in early fall. Foundational training continues with the addition of extra rehearsals to learn and understudy The Nutcracker roles. By the end of November, ballet members and staff are exhausted. But as the holiday season ushers in, and the final dress rehearsals wrap, the company takes to the stage and all the hard work, sacrifice, and dedication to this craft is brought center stage.

There are always options to see incredible companies such as The Joffrey perform this classic, but nothing brought about the holiday spirit more than the young artists of the Ruth Page Center for the Arts. Make it a part of your holiday tradition in the future to support this charming company. Now, more than ever, we owe it to our youth, to the arts, and to the ballet, to shine back the light they bring to us each holiday season. Here’s wishing The Ruth Page Center for the Arts, their dancers, and you and yours, a most magical holiday season.

For more information on the Ruth Page Center for The Arts and tickets to upcoming performances, including their Grayslake Dec 17th performance of The Nutcracker, visit http://www.ruthpage.org/.

When I was in college, a roommate shared their obsession with a Christmas movie I had never seen, the 2003 Will Ferrell film Elf. Over the next few years, she would religiously play Elf on replay during each fall semester with proclamations it was the perfect "it’s the perfect cozy weather” movie, to “it's almost the holiday season" movie, followed by "let's kick off the holiday season" movie, until it was the inevitable "It's Christmas!" movie. Upon graduation, I was Elf-d out and the film eventually made way for other holiday classics like Die Hard. As Elf approaches its 20th anniversary, it found it’s unlikely way back into our holiday shuffle, migrating from the movie to the stage. Elf-the Musical brought Christmas early to Chicagoland.

From the minute you enter the lavish and sparkling Drury Theatre, you are taken into another world. People here are smiling, shiny, welcoming, and prone to breaking into spontaneous song and dance; and those are just the theatre guests! Elf-the Musical draws nostalgic millennials, rosy cheeked children, musical theatre lovers, and theatre supporters alike to this soon-to-be holiday stage classic. Elf-the Musical follows the story of Buddy the Elf, who after discovering he is really a human raised as an elf, makes the journey from the North Pole to New York City to find his birth father, sharing the true meaning of Christmas along the way. Based on the hit holiday film, Elf- the Musical brings heart, hilarity, and holiday joy.

Admittedly, I was not particularly in the holiday mood, as my Elf PTSD was still strong. But I challenge anyone to not crack a smile with the opening musical number of “Happy all the Time” performed by Santa, played by A.D. Weaver, and Buddy, played by Jake Morrissy, along with the hilarious ensemble cast. As the musical progressed, the familiar story came to life in a new way, with clever dialogue sprinkled with double entendres and fantastic recreations of the Elf storyline with musical numbers like “Sparklejollytwinklejingley” performed while Buddy and the cast members decorate the department store for Santa’s arrival. There were beautiful songs like “A Christmas Song” where Buddy’s reluctant Christmas-hating love interest Jovie, played by the incomparable Juanita Anderson finds Christmas cheer by signing loud for all to hear. There are also sweet surprises like the number “I believe in you” wear Emily Hobbs, played by Melodie A Betts, and Michael Hobbs, played by Gabriel Solis, a Christmas letter to Santa asking nothing more than the attention of a father and husband, Buddy’s dad Walter, played by Sean Fortunato. 

Why Elf of all the holiday movie options? I think Elf-the Musical Director Lynne Kurdziep Formatp says it best "after two full Christmas Holidays missed due to COVID pandemic, with inflation, hurricanes and war in the news on a daily basis, it seems the PERFECT time to be reminded that we need to continue to BELIEVE. We can be a light in the world by sustaining the Christmas spirit year-round as we remember that family, friends, people of all ages and backgrounds are what makes the world go round."

This Christmas, and future holiday seasons, will have families, musical theatre, and holiday lovers flocking to the theatre with this soon-to-be holiday favorite. Because even after nearly 20 years, the classic story of Buddy the Elf brought to the stage truly captures the holiday spirit; and perhaps this musical proves Buddy and Santa’s elves are right, that “the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” Elf the Musical is playing at the Drury Theatre in Oakbrook through January 8, 2023. Tickets are available at www.drurylanetheatre.com.

For the past two-plus years, I’d dreamed of doing all the things in Chicago that were shut down due to the pandemic. When restrictions were lifted and entertainment started to come back to the city, I was determined to say yes to every unique city experience. By far the most Chicago heavy hitting art came with the Joffrey ballet performing Don Quixote with the Lyric Opera.

Don Quixote is a ballet following the adventures of an aging knight-errant who reads epic tales of chivalry and romance, and seeks out on an adventure to revive chivalry and serve his nation, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, and together they travelin search of love and adventure. While Don Quixote is the focus on the ballet, the central theme is a love story; Kitri is the ballet’s feisty and wilful heroine of the ballet. When her father Lorenzo tries to marry her off for money, she doesn't play the victim, but hatches a plan to marry Basilio, the charming barber who has won her heart, and pursue her own version of happiness. It is Don Quixote who stumbles into town, sees what is transpiring and intervenes in the name of chivalry and true love.

The Joffrey principle dancers and ensemble company brought the Spanish classic to life, dancing with all the grace, talent, and poise ballet dancers can possess. Their energy was unparalleled as they leapt and twirled around the stage. The casting was perfection in Victoria Jaiani at Kitri and Dylan Guitierrez as Basilio; notably the Joffrey has a rotation of principle dancers to play the ballet’s leads, offering patrons a unique flare each performance. Set against elaborate and immersive set designs, and accompanied by a live orchestra, Don Quixote was a visual and unexpected wonder. 

The visual and auditory spendlor of the ballet was only surpassed by being in such a historic venue as the Lyric Opera. Here I was, watching some of the nation’s best dancers, perform with a world renowned orchestra, sitting comfortably in a historic Chicago landmark; post pandemic I am grateful for the chance to see such a performance and that others have the opportunity to experience this as well. Thanks to the artistic group’s mask precautions and vaccination card screenings at the door, these performances can continue to bring beauty and light into an increasingly darker world. No matter how bleak the days might seem, The Joffrey helps to remind us that there is still grace and beauty in the world to be experienced, and we must leap at the artistic opportunities when they come our way the way Don Quixote leapt at adventure.

Don Quixote runs through June 12th at the Lyric Opera House at 20 N Upper Wacker Dr, Chicago. Tickets are available at Joffrey.org.

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